Date – Sunday 5 May 2019
Time – 1:30pm to 4:00 pm
Venue – Coldstream Community Centre, Kelso Street, Coldstream – Melways Map 281 B10
Demonstration – This month, our demonstrator will be Lorraine Wigraft, who will share some of her passion for pastels.
Lorraine is a based in Melbourne and has exhibited widely, including at the Mornington, Knox and Camberwell Art Shows.
Clair says of her work:
“My love for painting and drawing spans the majority of my life and includes many years of experimenting with the major mediums, materials and techniques. During these times I have appreciated many artists’ work and talents, particularly the early impressionists.
Over the last decade and a half I have developed a love for pastels and now create most of my works using this medium. With such improvements in the quality and variety of pastels, you can’t help but love the varieties of colours produced, including soft, medium and hard pastels. The variety of papers and boards also drives me to continually use such medium.”
This is sure to be another demonstration that is not to be missed, as it will inspire both beginners and experienced artists.
Entry Fees – Members – $6 Visitors – $10

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